Star | 恒星


This course covers key aspects of stellar science, including the measurement of stellar properties such as distance, brightness, and color. It explores stellar evolution, from star formation to different evolutionary stages and their cosmic impact. The course also examines binary star systems, methods for measuring their properties, and the discovery and classification of exoplanets. Additionally, it introduces star clusters, their formation, and their role in the structure of the Milky Way. Finally, the course delves into the interstellar medium and accretion processes, focusing on the composition of interstellar matter and its effects on celestial body formation.



Measurement of Stellar Properties 恒星属性测量

  • Learn methods for measuring star distances, including parallax method, magnitude method, etc.

  • Explore methods of measuring the brightness and colour of stars and their effects on stellar properties.

  • Do some practical exercises in measuring and calculating stellar properties.

Stellar Evolution 恒星演化

  • Introduction to star formation processes, including nebula collapse and protostar formation.

  • Learn about the different stages of stellar evolution, such as pre-main sequence stars, main sequence stars, giant stars, white dwarfs, etc.

  • Explore the impact of energy released during stellar evolution on the universe.

Binary Star Systems and Exoplanets 双星系统与系外行星

  • Understand the different types of binary star systems, including apparent binaries, physical binaries, etc.

  • Learn methods for measuring the mass and orbit of binary star systems, such as the Doppler shift method.

  • Explore how exoplanets are discovered and classified, and their implications for the existence of life.

Star Clusters and Milky Way Structure 星团与银河系结构

  • Introduce the different types of star clusters, including globular clusters, open clusters, etc.

  • Discuss the formation and evolution of star clusters and their impact on the structure of the Milky Way.

  • Learn how to measure the mass, age, and distance of star clusters to gain a deeper understanding.

Interstellar Medium and Accretion Process 星际介质与吸积过程

  • Explore the composition and properties of the interstellar medium, including gas, dust, etc.

  • Learn about the effects of the interstellar medium on interstellar matter, such as the formation and evolution of nebulae.

  • Understand the basic concepts of accretion processes, including spherical and disk accretion, and their impact on the formation of celestial bodies.