Coordinates and Time | 坐标与时间


This comprehensive course covers essential topics in celestial mechanics and astronomy. It includes spherical trigonometry, which explores spherical trigonometric functions and their applications in astronomy. The celestial coordinate system module introduces key coordinate systems and their use in astronomical observations. The time concept section covers solar and sidereal time, Julian dates, and their practical applications. The equinox and solstice module explains their significance and impact on seasonal and astronomical phenomena. Lastly, the zodiac and celestial movement section delves into the zodiac’s role and the principles of celestial sphere motion, with practical calculations and observations to enhance understanding.



Spherical Trigonometry 球面三角学

  • Understand the basic concepts of spherical trigonometry, such as spherical trigonometric functions, spherical angles, etc.

  • Learn spherical trigonometry methods commonly used in astronomy, such as great circle courses, parallax, etc.

  • Carry out some practical spherical trigonometry calculations and exercises to deepen your understanding.

Celestial Coordinate System 天体坐标系统

  • Introduce commonly used celestial coordinate systems, such as equatorial coordinates, ecliptic coordinates, etc.

  • Learn how to express the position of celestial bodies using equatorial coordinates and perform coordinate transformations.

  • Discuss the application of celestial coordinate systems in astronomical observations, such as positioning celestial bodies, tracking motion, etc.

Concept of Time 时间概念

  • Learn the concepts of solar and sidereal time and their applications in astronomy.

  • Understand the definition and calculation of Julian dates, and their use in the calendar.

  • Discuss the concepts of heliocentric Julian dates, time zones, and universal time, and their practical applications.

Equinox and Solstice 二分点与二至点

  • Understand the concepts of equinoxes and solstices and their relationship to the Earth's orbit.

  • Learn how to calculate the dates and times of equinoxes and solstices and their significance in the calendar.

  • Explore the impact of equinoxes and solstices on seasonal changes and astronomical phenomena.

Zodiac and Celestial Movement 黄道带与天球运动

  • Understand the concept of the zodiac and its role in astronomy.

  • Learn the basic principles of celestial sphere motion, such as equator, right ascension, declination, etc.

  • Carry out some practical calculations and observations of celestial sphere motion to deepen your understanding.