Module 4: Contemporary Issues and Globalization



Lesson 31: Globalization: Connecting the World | 全球化:连接世界

  • Definition and impact of globalization. | 全球化的定义和影响。

  • Cultural, economic, and environmental effects. | 文化、经济和环境影响。


Lesson 32: Environmental Challenges | 环境挑战

  • Climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. | 气候变化、污染和资源枯竭。

  • Efforts for sustainability and conservation. | 可持续性和保护方面的努力。


Lesson 33: Human Rights and Social Justice | 人权和社会正义

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its significance. | 《世界人权宣言》及其重要性。

  • Contemporary human rights issues and activism. | 当代人权问题和行动主义。


Lesson 34: Global Health Challenges | 全球健康挑战

  • Disease outbreaks, healthcare disparities, and access to medicine. | 疾病爆发、医疗不平等和药物使用权利。

  • Efforts for disease prevention and healthcare equity. | 预防疾病和医疗公平的努力。


Lesson 35: Technology and Society | 技术和社会

  • Role of technology in shaping modern society. | 技术在塑造现代社会方面的作用。

  • Ethical considerations and digital citizenship. | 道德考量和数字公民权。


Lesson 36: Terrorism and Security | 恐怖主义和安全

  • Origins and motivations of terrorism. | 恐怖主义的起源和动机。

  • Responses to terrorism and global security challenges. | 对恐怖主义的应对和全球安全挑战。


Lesson 37: Refugee Crisis and Migration | 难民危机和移民

  • Causes and consequences of refugee crises. | 难民危机的原因和后果。

  • International responses and refugee rights. | 国际反应和难民权利。


Lesson 38: Economic Inequality and Poverty | 经济不平等和贫困

  • Causes and consequences of economic inequality. | 经济不平等的原因和后果。

  • Efforts for poverty alleviation and economic development. | 减轻贫困和经济发展的努力。


Lesson 39: Cultural Diversity and Identity | 文化多样性和身份认同

  • Importance of cultural diversity and preservation. | 文化多样性和保护的重要性。

  • Challenges and benefits of multicultural societies. | 多元文化社会的挑战和好处。


Lesson 40: Course Reflection and Future Directions | 课程反思和未来方向

  • Reflection on key learnings and personal growth. | 反思主要学习和个人成长。

  • Discussion on the relevance of studying humanities in the modern world. | 讨论在现代世界中研究人文学科的相关性。