Course | 课程名称 Hourly Rate | 小时费率 Duration | 每课时长 Time | 上课时段 Location | 教室地点
General Science | 科学初阶 NZ$40 1.5 Hours Friday, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Athol Syms Hall
Earth Science | 地球科学 NZ$40 2.0 Hours Saturday, 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm Epsom Community Centre
Astronomy | 天文 NZ$40 2.0 Hours Saturday, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Epsom Community Centre

The first 30 students to register will enjoy a lifetime discount of 15% as Founding Members.

(based on the time of payment received)


We welcome you to participate in our trial classes! Below are the terms and conditions related to the trial classes and payment:


Trial Class Fees:

  • Science Course: $60 per session
  • Astronomy or Earth Science Course: $80 per session


Discount Conditions:
If you are satisfied with the course after the trial class and meet the eligibility criteria for the 15% discount as one of the first 30 students to register, you will be able to pay the discounted price, with the remaining balance to be settled after the discount.


Example Explanation:
If the total price of the Science Course after the discount is $510, and you have already paid $60 for the trial class, you will only need to pay the remaining balance of $450.

You can register online by selecting the relevant subject without needing to pay the full amount upfront, or you may contact our assistant to arrange payment for the trial class fee.

前30位报名的同学将享有85折的Founding Member终生优惠。






  • 科学课程:$60/次
  • 天文或地球科学课程:$80/次






Step 1 Online Enrolment

第一步 在线报名

Step2 Online Payment

第二步 在线支付