Module 1: Introduction to Ancient Civilizations



Lesson 1: Introduction to the Course | 课程介绍

  • Overview of the course objectives and expectations. | 概述课程目标和期望。
  • Importance of studying ancient civilizations. | 研究古代文明的重要性。


Lesson 2: What is Civilization? | 什么是文明?

  • Definition and characteristics of civilization. | 文明的定义和特征。
  • Examples of early civilizations. | 早期文明的例子。


Lesson 3: Mesopotamia: Cradle of Civilization | 美索不达米亚:文明摇篮

  • Geography and environment of Mesopotamia. | 美索不达米亚的地理和环境。
  • Contributions of Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. | 苏美尔人、巴比伦人和亚述人的贡献。


Lesson 4: Ancient Egypt: The Nile River Civilization | 古埃及:尼罗河文明

  • Geography and environment of Ancient Egypt. | 古埃及的地理和环境。
  • Pharaohs, pyramids, and mummification. | 法老、金字塔和木乃伊。


Lesson 5: Indus Valley Civilization | 印度河流域文明

  • Location and key features of the Indus Valley Civilization. | 印度河流域文明的地理位置和主要特点。
  • Urban planning and trade networks. | 城市规划和贸易网络。


Lesson 6: Ancient China: The Middle Kingdom | 古代中国:中国的中心

  • Geography and dynastic cycles in Ancient China. | 古代中国的地理和王朝循环。
  • Contributions in technology, philosophy, and governance. | 在技术、哲学和治理方面的贡献。


Lesson 7: Ancient Greece: Birthplace of Democracy | 古希腊:民主的发源地

  • Geography and city-states of Ancient Greece. | 古希腊的地理和城邦。
  • Contributions in philosophy, arts, and government systems. | 在哲学、艺术和政府体系方面的贡献。


Lesson 8: The Roman Empire: From Republic to Empire | 罗马帝国:从共和国到帝国

  • Rise and fall of the Roman Republic. | 罗马共和国的兴衰。
  • Contributions in law, engineering, and governance. | 在法律、工程和治理方面的贡献。


Lesson 9: Ancient Americas: Maya, Aztec, and Inca | 古代美洲:玛雅、阿兹特克和印加

  • Overview of civilizations in Mesoamerica and South America. | 中美洲和南美洲文明的概述。
  • Achievements in architecture, astronomy, and agriculture. | 在建筑、天文学和农业方面的成就。


Lesson 10: Review and Assessment | 复习和评估

  • Recap of key concepts and civilizations studied. | 检视所学重要概念和文明。
  • Formative assessment to gauge understanding. | 进行评估以评估理解程度。